Do You Want To Know Aadhaar Usage History? See Why It’s Important & Check Steps Now


The Aadhaar website offers an Aadhaar Authentication History service.

Aadhaar number holders can view details of all authentication records performed by any AUA or by him/her in the last 6 months.

Your Aadhaar authentication history refers to a record of all instances where your Aadhaar number was used for authentication purposes. This typically involves verifying your identity for various services or applications.

The Aadhaar website offers an Aadhaar Authentication History service. This service lets you view a record of all your Aadhaar authentications within the past six months. You can see details like the date, time, and method used for each authentication (fingerprint, OTP, etc.). However, you can only view a maximum of 50 entries at a time.

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Why is Aadhaar Authentication History Important?

The history serves as a record of when and where you used your Aadhaar for legitimate purposes. This can be helpful when requesting information or resolving discrepancies related to past Aadhaar-based transactions.

Reviewing your Aadhaar authentication history is crucial for protecting your identity, preventing fraudulent activities, and maintaining control over your Aadhaar usage.

Where Can An Aadhaar Holder Check Authentication History?

The authentication history service is hosted on UIDAI Website at URL OR Aadhaar-holder may use this service through mAadhaar App.

What Is The Procedure For Checking Aadhaar Authentication History On UIDAI Websites?

Aadhaar-holders can check their Aadhaar authentication history from the UIDAI Website or through mAadhaar App by using his/her Aadhaar Number/VID & entering security code and following the mentioned procedure. A registered mobile number is mandatory to avail of this service.

What Information Residents Can Get From Aadhaar Authentication History?

Aadhaar-holders can get the following information in their Aadhaar authentication history against every authentication done.

  • 1. Auth Modality- It shows the mode of authentication used to perform that specific authentication transaction.
  • 2. Date & Time of Authentication.
  • 3. UIDAI Response code.
  • 4. Authentication User Agency (AUA) Name
  • 5. AUA Transaction ID (With Code)
  • 6. Authentication Response (Success/Failure)
  • 7. UIDAI Error code

AUA is an entity engaged in providing Aadhaar Enabled Services to Aadhaar number holders, using authentication as facilitated by the Authentication Service Agency (ASA). An AUA may be a government / public/private legal agency registered in India, that uses Aadhaar authentication services of UIDAI and sends authentication requests to enable its services/business functions.

How Can You Check More Than 50 Authentication Records?

Aadhaar number holders can view details of all authentication records performed by any AUA or by him/her in the last 6 months. However, a maximum of 50 records can be viewed at one point of time. If an Aadhaar number holder wants to check more records then he/she may be required to select the date range in the calendar and accordingly authentication records can be viewed.

If You Have Not Performed Some Of The Transactions Listed In The Records, What Should You Do?

If the listed authentication transaction is not performed by the Aadhaar number holder, residents may contact the respective Authentication User Agency (AUA) for further details.


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