Junk Food addiction? Try These Easy Steps To Curb Your Unhealthy Food Cravings


Consuming fast food on a regular basis can lead to cardiovascular diseases, obesity, high blood pressure and other serious health problems. (Image: Shutterstock)

Consuming fast foods on a day-to-day basis can be extremely detrimental for health and it is best to change the habit

No matter how unhealthy it is, or how much our parents tell us to stop, we love Junk Food. For some people, it feels almost impossible to overcome their cravings to have those tender hot momos with chutney, or some Aloo Tikki or Samosa else every day. But it’s no secret that all these foods are not good for our body’s health. Consuming fast food on a regular basis can lead to cardiovascular diseases, obesity, high blood pressure and other serious health problems. While some people have control over their eating habits, some find it very difficult.

But the question arises, how do we overcome our cravings? How do you stop eating unhealthy food? Try out these simple steps:

  1. Find Healthy Substitutes: Food is a very big market in our country and we’ve plenty of healthy alternatives for almost every other food item. Identify some healthier options, and try cooking some at your home.
  2. Drink Water: Well, some people might find this funny, but yes, whenever you feel that carving of eating something unhealthy, that moment drink a large glass of water and you might see how your craving fades away.
  3. Plan your Meal: Plan your meals every day in advance and this can also help you develop cooking skills.
  4. Avoid getting Hungry: Hunger is the major reason for every craving. And to escape that, don’t skip any meal and keep a healthy snack option by your side always.
  5. Avoid being stressed: Stress increases hunger, and hunger enhances craving; understand the chronology. So take care of your mental health by doing some meditation or exercises.
  6. Get Enough Sleep: Sleep deprivation may lead to poor food regulation and strong cravings. Try to get proper 8 hours of sleep daily. Getting proper sleep on a regular basis is one of the best ways to overcome the cravings.
  7. Don’t Go Out Hungry: While leaving your home for any work, make sure you have your meal. If you don’t feel hungry then there’s a high chance you might prevent cravings from showing up.
  8. Mindful Eating: Try to develop awareness of your eating habits, cravings, hunger and physical sensations. With mindful awareness, one can easily distinguish between what is actual hunger and what is cravings.

So, next time when you feel like having any fast food then try out these steps.


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