adrak ke fayde in English–
- Digestive Disorders
- Respiratory disorder
- Gynecological problems
- Pain reliever
- Digestive Disorder-
Indigestion, reluctance to eat, stomach gas, vomiting, constipation, etc.Very beneficial for acidity.
For nausea, chest burning, sour belching etc.
Chew a piece of ginger before eating and chew it with salt.
Mix half a teaspoon of ginger juice, equal quantity of honey and lemon juice and take it thrice a day.
Take ginger, sandha salt, black pepper and mint chutney with the meal.
Chew a small piece of ginger and an equal amount of salt on an empty stomach in the morning and swallow it. Do not eat anything for half an hour. Drink cold milk sugar at night before sleeping. Do this remedy for twenty-one days. The pain of chronic bile also goes away.
Respiratory disorder-
For cold, cold, chronic whooping cough, tuberculosis, phlegm, asthma etc.
Take ginger juice with honey thrice a day.
Boil pieces of ginger in water, add sugar in proportion to the need and heat it and drink it. Take ginger tea.
Mix ginger juice in double proportion with sugar candy or gud.
Taking a decoction of dry and four times sugar candy helps to reduce phlegm.
- Gynecological problems-
For irregular menstrual periods, stomach pain, add ginger and boiled water three times a day.
Saunda Pak is given for post-natal sense dysfunction.
Pain reliever –
Grind ginger with water and apply it on the forehead or where there is pain. Do not apply to fresh wounds.
In tooth pain, hold a piece of ginger in the tooth.
In ear pain, add two drops of ginger juice to the ear.
Heat grated ginger in a bundle.
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